About our prints

Our Art Prints are of the finest quality. Each one is printed right here in our studio and signed by the artist in pencil. Large prints are also marked “AP” (Artist Print). We use archival papers and inks that are the highest standard in the industry. The luxurious color and beautiful papers make for a quality piece of art that you can be proud to have in your home. Not just a print but an elegant art piece.

Buy prints here


Each print is carefully hand packaged for safe shipping.
Our small and medium prints are shipped flat and our large prints are securely rolled in a mailing tube.

Print care and handling

Your fine art print has been created using the best materials available. It will last for many years.
If you simply follow the three easy suggestions below, and you will be able to enjoy your art for generations to come.

Each print has been inspected and packaged for quality assurance.

Handling and framing tips:

1. Leave print in protective packaging until ready for framing.

2. Handle print with care with clean dry hands, because the paper is cotton and absorbs easily.

3. When framing your print, we recommend using archival materials and glass with UV protection for the best longevity.

About our print sizes

Our prints have two sets of measurements
1. Paper size.
2. Image size.

Be sure to check the Product Details for each fine art print before ordering, as some prints may vary in sizes.

See the example here for clarity: it shows one of our Large prints with a Paper size of 17 x 22 inches and an Image size of 13.25 x 20 inches printed on the paper—leaving a nice white boarder.

Lisa Strazza